We are committed to building a sustainable future.
A proud member of the Canadian Green Building Council, The Dalton Company Ltd. is focused on sustainable building and has Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professionals on staff.
Our corporate environmental policy solidifies our commitment to be transparent and accountable about our building activities and their impact on the environment. This demonstrates to our clients that we are truly Building on Principles and earning trust as a leading green builder in our industry.
Sustainable design aligns with Dalton's Alternative Approach to Building, championing an integrated, collaborative environment where decision-making occurs among key stakeholders throughout all project phases.
Innovation and design aspects also align with our mandate to provide alternative, improved, innovative solutions as compared to the typical general contracting route.

Dalton's early involvement and leadership were instrumental in defining the scope of the project. Once the scope and budget were established, the execution went as planned, to our delight.
Toronto Botanical Garden was awarded the Toronto Green Design Award in 2006, the first of eight awards for design and conservation. This would not have been possible without Dalton's fastidious construction to bring the beautiful design to fruition."
- Toronto Botanical Garden