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Reconstructing St. Philip’s Seminary into a Purpose-Built Training Facility

Dalton has been hired by the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri as Construction Manager to lead the renovation of St. Philip’s Seminary in Toronto’s west end. The goal of the project is to provide enhanced living and working space for students who visit from Canada and abroad to study at the Seminary.

Once completed, the $4M project will replace half of the present seminary buildings with a new, purpose-built structure.

Features of the building will include:

- (16) bedrooms that will replace the present (6) bedrooms

- New bathrooms

- (2) purpose-built classrooms

- Study

- Exercise room

- Sacristy

Founded in Rome in 1575 by St. Philip Neri, Oratory of Saint Philip Neri is a community of priests that has spread around the world, with over 70 Oratories and approximately 500 priests. Over the last thirty years, more than 530 students have passed through St. Philips’ classrooms in Toronto.

Dalton is working with a project team that includes project managers BARA Consulting and architect Van Groll & Associates in the pre-construction phase of the project. Our firm was select based in part on our past success delivering projects for several religious organizations, including the Cathedral Church of St. James, All Saints Anglican Church and Darchei Noam Congregation.

Target completion date of the St. Philip’s Seminary renovation project is Fall 2020.


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